Breakfast SponsorLubana Trucking Leaders in Supply Chain & Logistics USA & Canada
Breakfast SponsorHi-Way 9
Lunch SponsorMLT Aikins LLP
Lunch SponsorAir Products Cananda Ltd. Building on our Commitment to Support Canada’s Climate and Energy Goals
Awards Dinner Cocktail Hour SponsorCanadian Strategy Group
Energy Break and Networking SponsorOld Republic Canada | Old Republic Insurance Group
Energy Break and Networking SponsorGroupHealth Benefit Solutions
Award SponsorEchelon Insurance
Award SponsorVolvo Trucks Canada
Award SponsorBFL CANADA Risk and Insurance Services Inc
Session SponsorThe City of Beaumont
Tradeshow SponsorTrailcon Leasing Inc Trailcon: Premier Fleet Management & Trailer Leasing Solutions
Tradeshow SponsorColdfront
Tradeshow SponsorEchelon Insurance
Tradeshow SponsorGoMotive
Tradeshow SponsorGallagher
Tradeshow SponsorClean Energy
Tradeshow SponsorMRF Geosystems Corporation
Tradeshow SponsorThe Alberta Association of Optometry Eyesafe is a safety prescription eyewear program managed by the Alberta Association of Optometrists.
Tradeshow SponsorJD Factors
Tradeshow SponsorDiesel Tech Industries Driving Innovative Technology
Tradeshow SponsorVirtuClinic Experience fast, personalized, and convenient virtual healthcare from our trusted and expert team of clinicians right from your mobile device without leaving home or the workplace.
Tradeshow SponsorBrokerLink
Tradeshow SponsorTelus Business
Tradeshow SponsorSolera Fleet Solutions
Tradeshow SponsorPario Engineering & Environmental Sciences
Tradeshow SponsorPurves Redmond Insurance
Tradeshow SponsorSAMSARA
Tradeshow SponsorRapid Response Industrial Group
Tradeshow Sponsormy-eforce Keeping Your Team Safe!
Join us there to meet MLT Aikins LLP!
MLT Aikins is a full-service law firm of more than 300 lawyers with a deep commitment to Western Canada and an understanding of this market’s unique legal and business landscapes. Based out of six key centres across the four western provinces, MLT Aikins is the only law firm to have offices in Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver. As one of the Largest Law Firms in Canada (Lexpert, American Lawyer Media), we have the bench strength and geographic scope to meet the increasingly complex needs of clients. As members of the transportation group, our lawyers focus on transportation related mergers and acquisitions and provide commercial support through agreements and business relationships in the areas of road transportation, warehousing, and logistics among others.